Knowing and using the tools of recovery are crucial to recovery. This audio interview features Bethesda Workshops team member Kirk McDermott, LPC-MHSP, CSAT, being interviewed by Jim Cress.
READ MOREApart But Still Connected
After you get past the crazy toilet paper hoarding, the coronavirus is perhaps making better people out of most of us. In a mustering of individual and collective unity on
READ MOREPartners: So Much Pain!
Discovery or disclosure of a loved one’s sexual addiction creates enormous pain for the partner. This podcast validates and honors a partner’s trauma and unpacks the losses she (or he)
READ MORECoronavirus Interconnectivity
For the third time, I’m deleting what I’ve written about coronavirus and starting over. By now, if you don’t know the basics of how and why many of us initially
READ MOREGod Deeply Loves Dust
Ash Wednesday wasn’t part of the faith tradition of my upbringing, and I was a married adult before I was introduced to the sacred ritual of having ashes imposed on
READ MOREWill You Be My Valentine?
In contrast to the messages from florists, greeting card companies, and candy manufacturers, Valentine’s Day is a landmine for most people who are connected to Bethesda Workshops. The pain of
READ MOREFear or Courage?
Since early in my recovery journey, which started in 1991, I was certain of God’s call to tell my story, and I’ve shared about my experiences as an abandoned child,
The family room floor is stacked with boxes of packed Christmas decorations, which spill into the garage where they wait to be hauled into the attic. For the first time
READ MORELife Support
The two women walking in front of me on the lake trail caught my attention. It was extremely warm for late December in Middle Tennessee, and this easy, flat path
READ MOREA Very Personal and Extravagant God
Many years of spiritual direction, which for me is like Jesus-oriented experiential therapy, has radically changed my connection with God. I’ve regularly come to see, hear, feel, and experience the
READ MOREThanks for the Memories
Thanksgiving this year is marked by significant family milestones for my brothers and me. Our mother died 60 years ago this month, which is hard to realize. It’s harder still
READ MORESacred Texts
I saw a story recently on Facebook about a young woman from Arkansas, age 23, whose dad died four years ago. Every day since his passing, Chastity Patterson has texted
Music has always been important to me, but I’ve only recently connected with Spotify. In the garden at Bethesda or at home I stream music through a Bluetooth speaker a
READ MOREOn Grief, Gratitude and Consolation
How do you measure the impact of a relationship? We have words that characterize various forms—like parent, child, spouse, colleague, or friend—but some connections defy and transcend easy descriptions. Some
READ MOREClimbing a Mountain
Many people have a “bucket list” of significant things they want to do before they die, but I’ve never made one or even given it much thought (other than a
READ MOREMore Frightening than Lions, Tigers and Bears!
Certain phobias are widespread it seems, like the fear of public speaking or of flying. I happen to love both, and judgmentally I can’t understand those who find either activity
READ MOREThe Little Things
Being present in the moment is one of the most precious gifts of recovery. Before God coaxed me into a healing journey, I spent my life spaced out, fantasizing, or
READ MOREFifty Years Toward Forever
What stands out most in my memory is the heat – oppressive, stifling, nauseating heat that took your breath when you ventured outside in suburban Chicago. Next, I remember that
READ MOREThank a Teacher
My father was a life-long educator, and I grew up on a college campus where he served for years as academic dean in the days when one person was responsible
READ MOREHealing Connections
At Bethesda Workshops, we routinely say, “No one can recover alone.” We encourage workshop participants to develop a safe community for support and fellowship as much as for accountability. We
READ MORETend to Your Foundation
The summer after Bethesda Workshops moved into our building, we noticed water seeping in across the back wall of the eating area, originally a long warehouse, where the wall met
READ MOREHonoring the Heart
From a plain wooden bench at the top of Ganier Ridge, a popular and challenging hiking trail, I examined a rock that I chose from the Heart Tree collection about
READ MORETalking with Kids about a Parent’s Sexual Addiction
One of the hardest thing for parents is talking with their children about a parent’s struggle with sexual addiction. This podcast by Marnie Ferree, which was taped as a live
READ MOREAll the Moms
Retailers estimate over $20 billion will be spent honoring mothers this year in the US alone, which translates into a lot of cards, flowers, jewelry, and personal services like spa